Friday, February 8, 2013

Life's Calling

I'm currently doing the study by Beth Moore, "David, 90 Days With a Heart Like His." This is my second time going through this study and it's funny to read what I wrote 6 years ago while doing it the first time around and to see where God has brought me.

Today's reading was in 2 Samuel 5:1-5

The first question Beth asked us, as the reader, was... "Do the great opportunities David enjoyed seem like something out of our reach? In your wildest imagination, what are some of the exploits you think God might have for you?"

My response, "I don't have any idea. I feel like my way of thinking is in a box.....maybe a job I actually love doing and helping others at the same time."

When I went through this study 6 years ago Jada was 2 1/2, we had just lost our premature son, we had sold our house and were living w/ my parents until we closed on my uncles house (which he backed out on us 2 days before we closed) and I was going through post partum, and I was so uncertain of what God had in store for us.

My plans for my future certainly weren't even a fleeting thought of where God has brought me and for the plans He has created for me to be a homeschool mom. But, reading what I wrote as my expectations seems to be exactly where God has brought me!! "Maybe a job I actually love doing and helping others at the same time" WOW!!!  I LOVE taking care of my kids and my wonderful hubby AND it's helping others ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!!

Isn't that amazing? Yes it's hard and some days I want to hide in my closet or run down the street in my robe and house slippers as soon as the girls wake up but I wouldn't trade this plan for my life for all the glamour in the world!

And so this leads me to my sermon notes I took this past weekend at Elevation by Pastor Steven Furtick. He gave 4 very good points about God's calling on our lives!!

His main point was "It's not what you WOULD, it's what you CAN

Question: How do I know what God's calling me to do

  • Point 1: Realize my calling is ACTIVE not PASSIVE

  • Point 2: My calling is plural not singular. We work better with others and our calling isn't just for us!

  • Point 3: My calling is present not future

  • Point 4: My calling is a person not a place. 

Point 3 got my attention more than the others....even though the others are wonderful, I'm always wanting to know what God wants me to do. Well, for goodness sake I'm DOING exactly what He wants me to do! I'm  raising a family, I'm encouraging bonds between sisters, I'm showing those girls how to manage a home, how to treat each other, how to cook, how to pick up and take responsibility for what they do and how they act, I'm teaching them greater life lessons than just what's learned in a text book. I'm teaching them that we can't get through this life....and stay sane, without the power of Jesus. So, when I have people who tell me, "Oh, you would be good at....," or "You should do such and such" I have to remind myself I am right where I need to be and If I venture out doing other good things then I would be stretched too thin to fulfill the calling I'm currently in the midst of!!

Nope, I never would have chosen this life for myself but praise God He knows best because it's what brings me the most joy!!

If you want to view the sermon and get the full details of the points you can view it HERE



  1. That was wonderful, Sara! thank you. I think this blog is part of your calling. Keep up the great work. It is very inspiring!

    Love ya,

  2. Awww Thank you Lori!! I just want to write about our journey and be able to look back through my posts and see God's hand and guidance! :)
