Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Wounded Heart

Life has a way of changing when we least expect it and sometimes even when we expect it we are crushed and confused. I get caught up in my expectations and think I know best and sometimes think God should go along with my plan. So, when His plan changes my circumstances I'm left empty.

But, not for long.

I love how Christ steps in and brings comfort and peace in all circumstances if we're seeking Him. So, today and everyday, this is my prayer.

Oh God, lead me. Even on those days I'm numb, sidetracked and unintentional. Please have mercy on me when I'm more concerned with loads of laundry than little hearts. Please lead me into the light when doubt and darkness try to consume me. Dear God, steady my steps when I cannot see and carry me when my strength is no more. Speak truth into my soul and deepen my faith even when understanding is far from me. Allow Your Spirit to create a passion.....a blazing fire within me that will never die. Shepherd me though the pain of broken dreams and remind Your plan is good and firm and unshakeable. Your ways are higher, I know this, even when my heart is wounded. God use me, however you will, no matter the path...... I am Yours.

My heart is hurt. My dreams seem broken. Warm tears stain my face. But, my faith and trust is in the healer and I know He works in the brokenness and mess of our lives. He creates beauty in the ashes.

He is faithful so why should I fear? I'm so thankful His plan is better and this pain is temporary and He is consistently aligning the desires of my heart with His plan.

So today I will hold tight to Psalms 33:4-5 "For the word of the Lord holds true, and we can trust everything he does. He loves whatever is just and good; the unfailing love of the Lord fills the earth."

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written, Sara! Praying for you and whatever circumstances have your heart broken. XOXO
