In the past, on a lot of days, my goal has just been to make it through, alive, to the end of the day.
I'm not sure about you but I feel I'm on an obstacle course in life. I have an idea of where I'm going but I can't actually see the end and as the days, weeks or years go by I'm being distracted by things that may detour my thoughts or actions. I may jump through tires of self doubt. Crawl through a black tunnel of fear. Swim through the mud and mire of depression or lack of joy but I also might climb the rope of hope or the wall of dreams.
No matter where we are in the race God is using it all to strengthen us, build us up and allowing us to become our best and teaching us that in this life we need Him and others.
Earlier this week in my bible study there was a question that I haven't been able to get out of my thoughts.
"Has there been a time if your life when you experienced great joy because
you were running with friends toward heaven."
Honestly, I couldn't remember a time other than right here and right now. God has placed a couple women (and Greg) in my life who encourage me to be who He created me to be. They bring to mind the good in me when I can't see it on my own. We discuss the things of God and have an excitement for what He's doing in our lives and through those around us. It brings a giddiness and an excitement that I don't ever want to lose!
These women are the women who will fight through the obstacle course of life with me....they will hoist me over the distractions I face or pull me out of the valley of despair. I can't imagine doing life without them.
These are the women I'm running towards heaven with. Our goal is heaven. We might get distracted or have delays or moments where we fall down and skin our knees but those are also the moments that strengthen our trust in Jesus and our trust in others. Life is hard and we will get knocked down but when you are running towards heaven with others you will stand together on the mountain!!
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