We are both so excited to see God working in us and those around us!!
So, as we were talking about our group and everything else that stirred our hearts, Andrea started talking about God sized dreams. I never really thought about it before. Dreams that only God could work through us! I started thinking about my own life and wondered what my God sized dream is......
To some people mine is very simple but to me I know it's only being accomplished by God's power because with my own knowledge and resources I would fail....miserably.
Some may want to giggle at that because it may come super easy. You love to learn, read and dream. You seek out opportunities to use as teaching moments. You may look at a stack of books and think of the endless possibilities.
Well, I'm not your typical homescchool mom cause none of that comes naturally to me. Everything I do has to be intentional. I have to work for it. I have friends who have known they would homeschool before they were married. I never even entertained the idea. I just always knew I was excited about my kids going off to school and having all day to clean, shop and cook in peace.
Ha!!! Well, God had different plans for me! What seemed like overnight the idea was mentioned and prayed upon and decided we would pull Jada out of 2nd grade.
Gulp. What.was.I.thinkin???? I didn't know how to do lesson plans or how to manage schoolwork and housework and dinner and going into an actual job away from my home!
Plus, I'm not even that smart. Learning is something I've always had to work hard at....really hard. I didn't want to do it all over again!!!
It was and is a GOD SIZED DREAM. It was placed in me by God Himself. He manged to change my heart and put the plans He had for our family in mine and Greg's heart and began to give us the determination and resources to follow through with this plan. He slowly turned His own dream into my own! I love how He works that way!!
Psalm 37:4 comes to mind when I think about Him changing my heart. "Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart" I used to think He would make all my dreams come true but I've discovered that His will isn't necessarily for me to have a big home and a great car. Rather, He will change my desires to line up with His. It's amazing!!
We have other God sized dreams that will come in time.....but for now this dream is being carried out by the planner Himself. He's intricately placing thoughts, desires and plans in my heart that would have never been there on my own. He has placed wonderful, godly friends in my life who may have wanted to pull their hair out a time or two but have encouraged and directed me in the adventure! Without them I would have sent Jada back to school already and I definitely wouldn't plan on starting Ella in kindergarten.
But with God all things are possible. He is able to bring something beautiful and hopeful out of a mess of a person or situation.
I picked Jada's new curriculum up today. Exploring Countries and Cultures and I'm just expecting great things. Maybe a spark in our hearts to reach out to other parts of the world. Those would for sure be a God sized dream!
And who knows what other dreams are just waiting to be discovered! The world is full of possibilities!!
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Across the world? |
Or in our own country?
What is your God sized dream?
Love your heart. Dreams are always there, waiting to be found and given to us by the One who knows us deeper than any other. Here we go!