Wednesday, August 14, 2013

To Cherish

cherish [ˈtʃɛrɪʃ]
vb (tr)
1. to show great tenderness for; treasure
2. to cling fondly to (a hope, idea, etc.); nurse

I remember my mom always telling me she prayed for God to provide a man who would cherish me.

God truly answered that prayer....but, I haven't always felt that way. I think in the beginning, marriage was hard for me. I had unmet expectations...they are laughable now but at the time they were what I thought marriage would be. I thought everyday Greg would come home from work and meet in the hallway and kiss me with my one leg bent back. I thought we would hold hands and cuddle and spend all our extra time together talking about how much we loved each other and what our dreams for our new life would be.

Don't laugh.... I know some of you have been there....ok, it's funny, go ahead and laugh.

But, over time and after lots of struggle God started changing me. I started asking God to help me be the wife Greg needed me to be and not always reflect on how he wasn't meeting the desires I had in a husband.

So recently I started writing things about Greg in my journal. Things I may very well forget the next time we hit a rocky path and I want to give up or focus on everything wrong in our marriage. I wrote things like how he fixes my coffee every morning and how he always reminds me of all the little things I do that really aren't so little because they will have lasting benefits...heavenly benefits. And how one night my hands were in the soapy dishwater and I was so thirsty so he fixed some ice water and held it there for me to drink.

I know some things may seem so silly but I consider all that an answer to my moms prayers many years ago. He could put me down and point out all my wrongs instead of building me up or he could have found a million other things to do at that moment I was thirsty. But, he cherishes me!!

He also desires for me to stay home and care for our family...he knows this is my whole ministry. He works so hard so I can work very little outside the home. And he's making plans so I can give up working outside the home all together. A husband who desires to fulfill his wife's desires is a true treasure. 

So, the next time I'm overwhelmed with the flaws in our marriage, I'll get out my handy dandy journal and read the truth of our marriage.

If you're struggling to see the good in your spouse or in others, I encourage you to ask God to open your eyes to the good in them. And focus on those. Even if it's one or two at first. Over time that list of goodness will grow longer.

Life is hard, marriage is hard, but fighting for what's meant to be is worth every tear shed and every aching heart beat. To overcome the lies that surround us and soak in the truth is the only antidote. 


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