Monday, October 28, 2013

Seeking Out The Good

Some days as soon as my eyes open it's hard for my mind not to go directly to those things that weigh my soul....things that get my mind focused on things I shouldn't even give a thought to once I lift it up in prayer.... but I sometimes toss it around and view it from every angle possible and before I know it I've made the simple, silly little mess a huge problem with everyone hating me and I'm the worst person ever!

Do you have days like that?

They're funny to laugh at on days like today. Days where my mind isn't distracted but rather it's focused on the reality that my God can handle any problem I may face. Days like today, I can handle issues with ease and grace. I can look at my tasks and know if I don't get some of them done it's not the end of the world....

Days like today I smile while teaching my kids, changing out toilet paper rolls and while folding laundry. I can hum a tune while fixing lunch and emptying the dishwasher and have patience while helping my girls get their crazy, mess of clothes organized.

Today I looked around and found special things to focus on that warm my heart.

First, I got some texts from friends sending their scriptures for today! My good friend, who is going through cancer, prompted everyone to share their versus! She's such an amazing, strong and beautiful friend! She thinks about others while going through things we don't even know.....

Then I was content knowing I spoke wisely to my girls when they were on the verge of not listening. That's always satisfying!

I got a big smile on my face when I thought about how my husband took me away for a surprise trip to the beach this past weekend for our anniversary (11 years...I can't believe it)

It warmed my soul when I thought about......
~How my mother-in-law filled a basket full of goodies for us just as she did 11 years ago for our honeymoon!! And she loved keeping my girls all weekend while we were away! She's so thoughtful!
~How my mom always brings me clothes she found at good deal and they came to feed our animals while we were gone. She's so thoughtful too!
~Jada helping Ella with her writing today.
~How Excited Ella was about her neat handwriting.
~Having to only work one day this week when I was suppose to work two.
~The compassionate hearts of my girls as we were reading about the poor, lost, hungry and desperate souls in Columbia and how missionaries are telling them about Jesus.
~The girls picked okra all on their own.
~Having a little bit of homemade pumpkin bread left over for after dinner.

Are theses evident everyday? Yes! Do I choose, some days, to overlook these beautiful blessings because I'm more focused on the imperfections? Unfortunately, yes....

But, I was thankful for so many things!

I hope tomorrow as soon as my eyes open I will smile and praise God for the day that lies ahead! If He blesses us with it then there has to be task that is meant for us!

I'm going to seek it! Will you?

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