Thursday, May 30, 2013


The whole reason I originally started this blog was just to document our homeschool journey as a family.... I realized it has been more about God's journey in my own heart.

But, how awesome is it to look back and see God's hand leading, guiding, correcting a crazy mom's heart not only through trials, failures, tears, and heartache but also through love, laughter, healing and triumph?

As I sit here and think about God's plan on my life and how I could have been one bad mistake away from the grave or any number of disasters, I'm humbled and amazed at His amazing love for me.

Many people don't know the many, many, MANY bad decisions I've made through my life. If you just met me or talked to me on the street you might have no idea the insecurities and lack of confidence I've had to overcome in my heart and mind. It may be no different from any other female out there but the place I found myself because of the lack of confidence and the mountain of insecurities was destructive. I was in such a dark place and I knew my life was spiraling down to a pit of emptiness.

I'm so thankful for praying parents!! God drew me back to Him gently....just as my parents prayed! What an amazing prayer. They didn't have to pray a, "However you can get her attention" kind of prayer!!

I'm so thankful He is a God of change. One who does not want us to flounder in our misery and bad decision but He wants to pull us out of the miry clay. Psalm 40:2 says, "He brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, And He set my feet upon a rock making my footsteps firm."

Over the years God has strengthened my heart and my faith. He's created a deeper love and desire in my heart and an awareness of my failures and shortcomings and my great need and dependence on Him.

I think a lot of people view dependence as a bad thing....something weak but when it comes to God it's the perfect place to be. If you've been hanging around me for a while you might realize I talk about my failures and struggles a lot. I had a friend a while back tell me I'm too hard on myself. But, I'm not. I talk about my struggles because when I admit I have an issue I realize my need for God even more and His power is able to work greater when I'm not trying to hold it all together.

Yep, He's a God of change and I can see the changes in me and those around me and it gets me so excited to see what changes are in store!!

What changes have you seen in your own life?

What changes do you expect from God in the coming days or years?

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