Tuesday, June 4, 2013

She Laughs At The Days To Come

I just sat down at my sewing machine and heard a bang and splash behind me. I hear Ella say, "Mom, I didn't do it...I just opened the door and your water fell out!!"

Luckily today is not a school day and we have nothing time pressing on our agenda. I had her jump off the chair and Jada grabbed a towel for me and I cleaned up the large mess of water. As I was on my hands and knees mopping it up Proverbs 31:25 came to mind...

"She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come."

Most of the time I don't laugh at the days to come....not when I wake up already stressed from the thought of the many tasks at hand.

But I want to. I want, so much, to be clothed in strength and dignity. I want to laugh at spilled milk, cereal, orange juice, chicken poop smeared on clothing and clean shoes caked in mud. I want to laugh at gum in hair and peanut butter smeared clothes. I want the strength to hold my babies when they fall and skin their knees without saying, "I told you not to do that or you would get hurt" I want to laugh when our crawl space floods, or our washer isn't working or when we have a flat tire, when we're running late, when my girls break something valuable or when things just simply don't go my way.

I want to laugh.

Cause really, in the grand scheme of things do these things really matter? They seem to when you have a million other tasks at hand but if you break it down they really don't. What matters is how I handle them in that very moment I feel my heart pounding and the desire to lose control racing through my veins. The way I respond is what makes a difference in the lives of those around me.

I know it was only water that covered my floor today but tomorrow it might be something messy but I still hope I allow God's strength to allow laughter in place of tears or anger.

Because THIS is what matters in life- these little ones watching how I react...how I treat them...How I love their daddy and HOW I ALLOW GOD CONTROL IN MY OWN LIFE!!

I only get one shot at raising these precious beauties and I want to get it right so today I choose to laugh at the day to come even if it's full of messes!!

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