Friday, June 28, 2013

Things I've learned

Earlier this evening I read my friend, Andrea's, blog over at A Place To Land. She had written some things she learned this month as a challenge from Emily's Blog. I thought it was a neat idea so I wanted to jump in on that game.

1) I learned just within the last week that pulling weeds in our garden is extremely relaxing and I enjoy it thoroughly. Who would have ever thought that would be relaxing for this high strung gal? I'm thankful to have learned this because I'm always looking to find things I enjoy that will cause my life to be just a little simpler. With two full of life little girls who run non stop, I'm always needing something to get out and away from the hustle and bustle of a normal "full of fun" sort of day!! It got me away from dirty dishes, sticky floors and laundry baskets overflowing with now wrinkled clothes! It was nice not to stare at that for just a little while.

2) I've realized, now that school is officially out for the Summer, that I'm much more relaxed and loving with my girls. We homeschool and I'm still new to this little world....stumbling over what works and what doesn't so most days I barely held my head above the crashing  waves of multiplication tables and spelling words. I wanted to bury my head under the covers when my little precious 8 year old would negatively remark she didn't want to do any schoolwork....for the 100th time that day. (I might exaggerate a bit...but not much). So, now that I don't have to deal with that, I'm much calmer and easy going!! I'm soaking it in while I can before the new school year begins.

3) I've learned this month that God is a God who answers prayers. Ok, so I've really known that for a long time but I've had more proof this month! God is faithful and will provide exactly what we need! I've been praying for God to place some women in my life who are full of faith and passionately in love with Jesus. Women who will extend love and encouragement and push me to be all that God created me to, in turn, be that exact same friend to them. He is faithful and has placed a couple ladies who have impacted me in a dynamic way and I'm so grateful for them!!

4) I've realized this month my husband is exactly who I need! Again, I may have already known this but he continues to prove it to me. He provides an ear when I'm loud mouthed and trying to figure out my heart. When I just go on and on about what I'm learning and tossing things around that may not make sense until I say them out loud and then he of course always has a hilariously witty comment! When I get too emotional he knows how to lighten my mood and when I'm up in the clouds he knows how to pull me back to reality. He also knows how to respond appropriately to the question, "Do you think I'm getting fat?" His answer? "Oh yeah, P-H-A-T" haha And he also knows how to step in when an overworked mama was bathing her darling beauty after cleaning up a pool of water that was intentionally tossed and/or spit over the tub...... yes, I'm thankful he took over just in the nick of a mama melt down.

5) This may be the most important thing I've learned this month..... I've been reading the book, "Anything" but Jeannie Allen. This book has changed my life. It has sucked the breath out of lungs on more than one occasion and has revealed things about my life that I had been all too comfortable with for way too long. It has given me a new perspective of what really matters in this life and to get after making a difference.  This book has caused me to dig deep in the Word and has uncovered the lost and buried passion for others and for the absolute things of God rather than my own selfish desires. I pray the truths she brought to my attention will never be lost in the clutter of an unproductive life! I want this to be the beginning of a life full of reckless abandonment for Jesus and filled to the brim with giving myself away for the sake of the kingdom!

Those are the, off the top of my head, things I've learned this month.  Maybe from now on I'll be more aware of the things I learn, day by day or moment by moment just so I'll be sure I record moments that I can later read for my own enjoyment!! Life is worth recording, taking notes, taking pictures, and writing down emotions from the heart. Our prayers, our laughter, our hard times and our crazy times! To me it's amazing to look back and see where I was and how far I've come...what I've prayed for and most importantly for me to see that God is alive and working in my life every single moment of every day....even when I can't feel His presence!!

What are some things you've learned this month?


  1. Thank you for sharing the things you learned this month, great discoveries! I learned this month that change can be good. We had to change pediatricians this past month because our pediatrician left the practice and didn't leave info on where she went, this meant I had to either take my daughter to a very old man, or find a new one. The new one decided to send my daughter to a neurologist for her ADHD medication because he was not comfortable with the doses she was on. The neurologist decided my daughter had basically been overdosing on the ADHD stimulant medicine for more than 2 months. He changed her medicine and life in the last week has been soooo much better,change can be good.
    The other thing I learned (or relearned, actually) was that I need to keep my daughter busy. We homeschool year round, both to prevent summer brain drain, and subsequent reviewing in the fall to regain the drained knowledge. There is never the "end of year" rush to finish things, and using fun learning games, or summer programs (like the one at Vocabulary and Spelling City) is a great way to lighten up a little for the summer.
    Anyway, thanks again for sharing and allowing me to put into words things I learned! Have a great summer. (Oh, and I agree about the weeding thing, very relaxing and quiet, though hot work!)

    1. That's so great Linda!! So glad you got her medicine corrected! I'll be praying for you!
