Those days where God reveals Himself to me are the days that carry me through the days I don't feel Him and I'm wondering where He is or how He's working. But, He's been so faithful so many times that even in that valley I know I am not alone!!
I'm not in a valley today but I sometimes feel just my everyday, ordinary struggles are a valley. The endless fighting between my girls, the days I don't want to go into work, or clean up messes. When my husband is working all day long and a fleeting thought of, "Will he even make it home alive?" flashes through my head.
It's in those moments that I've learned what the scripture, "Pray without ceasing" means. (1 Thessalonians 5:17)
I used to think how was there time for that constant praying but really I've learned it's a habit....a way of life. To constantly be thinking about God, how He's working, thanking Him for how His power is evident in my life or thanking Him for the power that WILL be evident in my life if I can't feel it at the moment! He's taught me that as soon as I have a negative thought to toss it out and focus on something positive about the situation.
I remember once I was so frustrated with folding clothes but a thought popped in that if I didn't have all those clothes to fold then I wouldn't have the amazing little family who fits those clothes. I gave me a little extra pep while I finished folding. Sometimes I may not find any good at the moment in a situation but I trust God and He is faithful so I know He always works things for good in every situation for those who love Him. So I claim it in the moment. It's not easy but it's the way we have to fight the battles that seem pointless or feel heavy on us.
I'm not sure what your struggle is. It may be something big or a bunch of little things but know that no battle is too big or too little for Jesus. The same power that raised Him from the dead is available for our own use!!
I'm praying for all of you today! Big or little struggles- you are on my heart!!
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