Sunday, August 18, 2013

School Days

We start school tomorrow!!!!

Yay!...wait, what? Where did the summer go? Oh, that's right- we went almost until the end of June with our school year....only cause this mama forgot to schedule the little ones test and had to take the very last appointment available.

Anyhoo- whether we had much of Summer or not we're starting! We're starting out slow cause honestly, I don't really want to. I want Summer to be never ending!

Buuuuuut it can't. So, here I am the night before our first day and Jada's still awake....I think she's delaying and I can tell my anxiety is already on the rise. But, I don't want to start our year like that so I'm going to try and calm it down.

I've been working on our new school room. Making it all pretty so maybe the girls will love going in there everyday. I already love being in there! It's so encouraging and inspirational!

I've prayed over that room, this house and those rowdy girls with a deep heartfelt plea, for God's mercy, grace, wisdom, knowledge and understanding to pour out on us and meet us everyday through His word and our studies. It's so easy for me to get caught up in the "to do" list of our curriculum that I forget to teach God's love, gentleness, forgiveness and all the other lovely characteristics I so desire to possess.

So, this year I want to be all those things my girls need so they can see and feel and know and love Jesus like I do. Will I fall? ha! Yes...sigh, many, many times but that's another lesson for those precious girls, failure is not the end of us. We get back up, say, "I'm sorry" and try again!!

So, I'm excited to wake up in the morning and get some consistency in our day. I thought I would share some pictures of our learning space. I still have more work to do but I'm pleased with it so far!!

In the frames I'm going to put a picture of each girl at the beginning of the year and
then compare at the end of the year. Side note: I got this board at Hobby Lobby for $5.00.
I took it apart and changed all the colors and then mod podged our pictures on the bottom!!

My grammy gave me this shelf! I love it and think it matches perfectly in our space!

We're studying Countries and Cultures from My Father's World
this year so the World map went up!

A little inspiration for my girls!

Recycled pencil and marker holders!

Jada's desk

Ella's desk

My desk will be here when I get one

Must haves

school room necessities 

I'm going a little chalkboard crazy...this is our scripture door.
There will be more chalk paint in this room once I figure out the best place for it!

So, y'all please pray for us if we pop in your mind! We sure will need it!! I'm also praying for all the kids going back to school. I know it's an adjustment for everyone!!

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