Thursday, October 17, 2013

Fishin' For People

Matthew 4:19 "Come follow me," Jesus said. "And I will send you out to fish for people."

One day, a couple years ago, I realized my heart didn't ache for the lost. The hurt. The broken.

It deeply troubled me. If I call myself a Christian, shouldn't I love others and have compassion on them like Jesus does?

I started praying, "Lord, give me eyes to see others the way you do. I want to love those who are hurting. I want to be burdened for the lost."

God answers prayers y'all!!!!!

Now, my main heart ache is for women who are broken, lonely and filled with guilt and shame.

Cause I've been there....trying to fill a void with everything but the only One who can fill any need in my life. And I know He fills empty places because I realized recently I didn't have that pit of nothing in my soul anymore.

I've been a believer for a long time but my walk with God has been slow and gradual. One ah-ha moment here and there. But, this last year God has taken me on a roller coaster ride with my faith. He has given me a boldness that I never knew was possible. He's given me a thirst for Him and the things of Him. He's given me an unshakable trust in Him and He's allowed me to see He is bigger than anything I face. All my struggles, fears,!!

Everything within me desires for others to know Him. Love Him. Desire Him over all else! I desire for others to stand firm and overcome insecurities, addictions, the pit of shame and shadows of the past that linger heavy still.  I want women to fall on their knees in surrender to The God who is able to forgive. The God whose grace covers every bit of failure, inadequacies, confusion, bad decisions and skeleton's hidden in the closet.

Sometimes I might post too much. I might come across a little strong...(hopefully I don't come across as one who beats the bible over your head but I do want to smother you with the love of Jesus) but, it's only because I know the Sara before Christ and I now know the Sara with Christ and let me tell you It's like one of those wild make over shows.

I want everyone to experience the God of change like I have. I have a long way to go but my journey has been jaw dropping and I'm expecting more amazing changes until my last breath.

I want you to join me.

If you're in a place of darkness and feel you cannot see the light of day please know I'm praying for you! I'm praying for the light of Jesus to pierce through any circumstance you face!

"Sin is strong but Jesus is stronger.
My shame was great but Jesus You're greater"

I love you all and I know Jesus loves you more!!!

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