Thursday, January 23, 2014

What I want....

Today is my's funny how they change over the years and how I've become totally content with that.

Time just goes and goes and doesn't seem to slow down for anything.  And so I've learned that it's so important to savor the moments we have and make sure our words are rich in love and our actions are nurturing, gentle and compassionate. (I will continue to practice this....I'm not sure it will ever be mastered)

I've thought a lot more lately about what I would want to leave behind should I leave this world too soon. What I would want those around me to say....or not to say. I've thought more about what heaven will be like when I take my last breath here and I walk through those gates and see the face of The One who died for me.

And so, I want to live my life in such a way that love is evident and pierces even the darkest situation. I want people to know I love them even if I may not agree with everything they say and do. I want them to know they are valuable to me no matter the life they live or mistakes they've made. No matter the path they've walked.....or crawled.

I want people to look at me and know that I'm concerned with what they're dealing with and what battles they face. I want nothing to prevent me from kneeling down to the hurt and broken and hopefully be a blessing and point them to The One who can mend their heart. I never want to be too busy to see those who need a smile, a helping hand, a hug or prayer. To give a quarter or lots more or a coffee or a listening ear.....

I want to lead by example for my girls.....for them to walk through life not thinking of themselves but pouring who they are into the lives of people they encounter. I want them to make a difference and to light the way in this uncertain world. I want them to stand with courage and confidence even when darkness tries to overcome them. I don't want us to be consumed with distractions that have no meaning or weight in heaven but instead speak life and encouragement into every soul we can.

So today on my 34th birthday, I wish for Jesus to shine brighter in me than ever before!!

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